Credit & Debt

Good Debt vs Bad Debt

If you’ve been reading up on our blog for the past few months, it might not come as a surprise to you any more – there are clearly distinguishable features…

Should I Invest My Money or Pay off Debt?

If you’ve been reading up on this blog, you’ve probably noticed it’s mostly all about saving, investing, and the multiplication of your wealth. And, even though it’s already been a…

The 20/4/10 Rule When Buying a Car

Wherever you come from, whatever you do in life – there are a few things that will make up most of your expenses. Housing, sustenance, education and means of transportation…

Should You Rent or Buy a Home

Modern history shows us that humans have mostly moved away from the nomadic lifestyle. The vast majority of the nations now populating Europe are exactly the opposite of nomads –…

Using the Snowball method in Repaying Your Debts

As was promised, we continue with yet another entry for our Book of Debt. This time we’ll explore another method that might come handy in relieving your financial burden. Contrary…