Building wealth is boring!

It requires preparation and risk management, but once those are handled, all that’s left is adding funds and waiting for returns – yawn!

Having a well-organized life with minimal drama can feel pretty dull, especially when it comes to managing personal finances. So, let’s dive into the best ways to lull yourself into boredom… indefinitely!

Setting a financial goal

There are a few requisites for a full, bountiful life that the modern person might have. Almost immediately, however, it’s safe to assume that none of these have anything to do with ‘boring’ (unless your idea of your best life includes making a hole in a hard material). On occasion, though, finance may be involved. Specifically, being in a great financial state.

For most of us, a great financial state is not something predetermined. That means that having the life that we want involves building your own wealth. And as most architects, engineers and builders will attest – it’s best to know what you’re building from the very start. 

Once you’ve outlined your goal, you’ll have a clearer path to achieving it. Whether it’s a short-term, mid-term, or long-term goal—whether it’s a minor ambition or something grand—your strategy and actions will depend on that. You might go the classic 9-to-5 route, trading your time for a salary. Or you could launch your own business. But no matter what, none of these approaches will match the boredom you’ll face with wealth-building methods. Why? Because they require work!

Once you’re comfortable with the idea of being bored, it’s time to find the right wealth-building option for your goal.

The boredom factor of different wealth-building options

Okay, so this might be the least boring portion of the whole ordeal. Because, in order to lead an entirely boring financial life down the road, you have to put yourself to work at the beginning. At least for a little bit, anyway. 

Here, we have put together a short-list of the boring options, ranked from most to least boring (fear not, still boring enough), for your convenience.

  • Your property

Having a home is indeed an investment. Real estate is one of the more lucrative investment types around, due to a single, boring fact – there are too many of us, and too little space to go around. Especially, in and around the big cities of the world. More than half of the world now lives in urban areas, which as a number is only going to increase over the coming years. So, if you’re one of those lucky enough to already own a home in such a place, then hold onto and look after it – it ought to pay off one day.

  • HYSA’s and bonds

High yield savings accounts and bonds are next on this list of barbarically boring investment options. If you really want to know – the only things separating these options from simply owning a home is – with HYSA and bonds you might actually get some excitement from making the transactions and purchases. And these investments are typically shorter-term compared to your own home.

  • Buying and selling of loan claim rights on a P2P platform

Slightly less dull than the previous options, buying and selling claim rights on peer-to-peer lending platforms has the added benefit of earning interest from these transactions. Sure, a high return on your money might cause a slight thrill, but don’t worry—the overall security and predictability of this strategy will minimize any excitement.

  • Index funds and the stock market

At the bottom of our list – the potentially most lucrative of all, yet also the least boring investment option. You see, investing in index funds and stocks can sometimes take you on a wild ride. And for those of us looking for a lifetime of boredom, that simply will not do. While the former may not be as volatile as the latter, because of the susceptibility to market swings, these investment options have the ability to put you in an ICU. Best steer clear of the market, lest you want wrinkles and grey hair.

Wait, is boring actually…good?

Yes! Si! Ja! Oui! If it isn’t clear by now, having a boring approach to growing wealth is a good thing. The more you can reduce the risk of losing your capital, the better.

Ultimately, only you can decide how much excitement or boredom you can tolerate. But our recommendation is to aim for balance. Whether you’re near retirement or just starting out, opt for strategies that offer low effort, low risk, and high returns. That’s the perfect ratio for long-term success—and possibly the same ratio Fibonacci had in mind. If you follow this rule, you’re almost guaranteed to live a prosperous, if somewhat boring, financial life.

Stay bored in your financial life in order to have time and ability for excitement elsewhere. Buy loan claim rights today! SWAPER offers a great annual ROI of 14+%!